Questions about any of the below programs? Call the ProShop at (301) 694-7210.
- Teaching juniors fundamental movement skills in a fun environment
- Proper body movements of the golf swing
- Teach and evaluate each student on golf skills encountered during a round of golf
- Teach the student the correct way to practice
- Physical fitness as it relates to the golf swing
- Different golf theme for each session
Register here.
- Teaching juniors fundamental movement skills in a fun environment
- Proper body movements of the golf swing
- Teach and evaluate each student on golf skills encountered during a round of golf
- Teach the student the correct way to practice
- Physical fitness as it relates to the golf swing
- Different golf theme for each session
Register here.
| The PGA Junior League is a fun, team-oriented approach. Boys and girls of all skill levels will learn to play the game with expert coaching and guidance, wear custom numbered jerseys and compete on a team with friends in a two-person scramble tournament that encourages mentorship and builds confidence for the game.
- Play exhibition matches with local clubs (dates and times to be announced)
- Optional drop in range time to improve team skill level and practice time (more details to follow)
Register here.
